torek, 27. januar 2015


People, can you Kiss?

I know, I know, Paul is sure one of a kind, but anyway, I`m sure some of you can Kiss like those guys. Do you Kiss? Can you Kiss? I challenged myself with the same question and it`s up to you to decide how well I did it. I got you five different types of kisses. The five kinds of looks, just the way I do the Kiss fashion and five must-have pieces to do the Kiss! Let`s see if it works!

Okay, some boots come handy, if they`re genuine Texas with some leopard pattern, you`re even more Paul Stanley

Sneakers with some pure elegant suit, make you dressed to kill

Some Kiss t-shirt always fits. The best comes with leopard, but I`m sure you already know that!

Kiss can be pretty elegant too. Here`s my very own Kiss inspired 70s look

If you got the zebra jacket and some leather cap, you`re headed right. If you got the guitar, you sure are ready to rock!

(but including fashion)

ponedeljek, 19. januar 2015

MusiKid: Ticket to Paradise

Ticket to paradise

Hey there, everybody! Here I go again (on my own), and for there is time to do something with this Kid up here, I decided to share one new song I wrote recently. I decided to fix my home-made 'studio' A.S.A.P. to get the things done right as they should be, but for now, here are the lyrics.
Everybody, this is Ticket to paradise.

Ain't got sun for the morning
Ain't got time to rise
I got out of my prison with my ticket to paradise

Ain't got dreams for haunting
Ain't got guns to shoot
I got my dime and my six strings
Yo pay my time outta my life

Ain't got time to beat it
Ain't got tears to wipe
My mouth is dry, my heart is sinking
My soul is wild, hell fells allright

Ain't got songs to sing it
Ain't got light to burn me down 
My blues is old, I'm getting dizzy
I lost my time to say goodbye

I got my mind sick n' sober
I got my heary running down
I got my three minutes to fix it
Got no time to heal my heart

You coming down rough n' easy
You play me like a little child
You locked me up when you were leaving
You stole my time to say goodbye

ponedeljek, 12. januar 2015


Brightest child among stars

One of the oldest and still living glamrockers, father of four children, who  still loves to put on some leopard print shirt, of course he undoes some buttons, to show his hairy chest. Paul Stanley remained on rock n` roll scene for a long time. Let`s define long time. 40 years enough for you? Now, let`s do some guessing, to see, if we can figure him out.
Stanley`s remarkable performances are made of few typical elements that should never be left out. And yet each and every one made him and his coworking Kiss commanders unique showmen who can do it better even than some rockstars half of their age. Stanley, who was one of the key band founders of Kiss, knew exactly what he wanted them to be. To be very determined man is proved by a fact he used to do different jobs, he was even a cabbie for a while, just to earn enough money for the band. And so he put great effort into the plans, of band one day to come to live. And it was very much Alive! in late 60s, 70s. Kiss has always taken some special place in rock n` roll industry. They`ve made their path in the other way, not in the direction of other bands in that era. Stanley helped this thing out. One thing was to wear make-up. The next thing were their sex-appeal, hardrock/glam/shiny costumes. Add some pretty good music and the show is about to begin.
Well the good music, as a matter of fact, can`t be done just by itself. Starchild remains role model for many rock performers.  Universal artist who has everything in just about the right measure His sounds pretty natural, but yet his singing technique is kind of difficult to reach. Strong vocals and huge vocal range go hand in hand in songs just like Heaven`s on fire, where Stanley can show all his winning cards. In higher notes, his voice remains strong, with such intensive vibrato, which still makes it clear and yet powerful. Another thing are long notes, which lasts for few measures and he can do them with no special effort. One other thing is falsetto. Stanley, once referred as the Falsetto King, uses this technique pretty often. His natural powerful, dark colour of voice can get raspy with some falsetto and rocks. He never coloured his voice too much, like many other rockstars did and yet he sounds very natural and powerful even in his cries. His singing could even be compared to the opera, he reminds me of Freddie Mercury, who also did only vibrato to fulfill his raspy strong vocals and sounded natural and very emotional. Though the lyrics and the lines in the songs are usually simple, his realization convinces even the toughest non-rockers. In I still love you, Stanley gets so emotional so you can really hear the pure emotions in this piece. Song gets to be difficult to perform, due to the long lasting notes and some twists in the melody, but he sings it with such lightness and yet vocally and emotionally so strong, one could hardly believe. And it was unplugged.
Not to talk too much about old times, Paul can still sing very good after he had some throat surgeries. Allright, the higher notes in I was made for loving you (remember the I can`t get enough solo after the chorus?) can`t be reached anymore, but since he can do Love gun, Hell or Hallelujah and Psycho circus well, there is nothing more to be discussed. Not to take all the credit, his indispensable couple Gene Simmons with space -and catman are helping with the show. And if there is something these guys can do good, it`s their show. I mean, I`d love to be on that New Year gig under the Brooklyn bridge in the NYC to rock n` roll all night and maybe even catch some piece from Starchild`s guitar. Since I`ve witnessed their gig in Udine, I admit, I was amazed. Smashing the guitar, rolling and bending around the guitar has its special effect. In heels, of course. You get the feeling he was born with his guitar. The guitar sessions in Kiss pieces were always well-made, enriched by the Demon and the Starchild himself.
Some of the fans held it against them for they switched from the hard rock and rock n`roll such as Rise to it to more glam rock melodies, but there is still a lot of rock n`roll in Paul`s performance. It always will be. He even tasted some opera and did the role of Phantom in Phantom of the Opera. Maybe he used too much vibrato, but he sang even the higher notes with so much emotions and sense, he deserves to be praised.
What Paul is also appreciated in rock n` roll industry is the persona he successfully created. Mostly, the costumes, face masks and covers of the albums were from made from Paul`s imagination, which he uses with success as a painter. Without a doubt charismatic, he has very strong life direction. Dedicated to his goals, he decided to achieve, he and Simmons are also rare for their unlikely 70s` rockstars reputation. Jews for their belief, they`ve never faced the alcohol or drug problems nad Starchild has always been known to be a family man. Instead switching beds, he rather spends time playing guitar with his oldest son Evan Shane.

ponedeljek, 5. januar 2015



Udine. 4 pm. The temperatures are increasing in every minute and so is the crowd, joining in front of the antique walls of Villa Manin. The little town of Codroipo, near Udine turned into black and white that day. It is the leaders of black-white troops, well-armed for the party all day long and rock n` roll all night to blame. They sure came to take over the final city before they started to move their  Kiss Army to Milan. The KISS. Leather-wearing long-haired Harley Davidson riders, fathers carrying their kids on the shoulders, and many other young and old curious wanderers who came to face the Kiss. Armed with face masks or other Kiss equipment, they came to prove there ain`t important if you speak Italian, English, Slovene, Croatian or German, but to see what you need to see. Show, still calling itself so, after over 30 years. KISS.

Even though gates were opened at 6 pm and the gig began at 8pm, on 17th of July 2013, the troops of excited and sunburnt fans were making their moves towards the walls and neither heat nor crowd was able to stop the march. The space in front of Villa Manin was filling up and their persistent »we want Kiss« brought many curious by-passers, who tried to figure out why there is war satte in their town, why the traffic is completely stopped and why the hell there are so many people wearing funny masks and walking around there. So when the gate was finally opened, the soldiers in first battle line managed to beat offensive security and conquered place under the stage where only the most excited fans took place. The most excited, I say, for they found the strenght under few hours of over-heated waiting and securing their place in front of the gates,  and they even ran right after they got their ticket back. In the golden era of the band most of the visitors were wearing make-up of some of the band members, in Udine the view seemed quite different. The reason might be, as I`ve mentioned few times before, the heat melting the make-up of many, who even at the scene of gig used the must-have white base, black eyeliner and lipstick. While under the stage the curtain  with the Kiss logo was lifted up, the already overheated crowd was on fire even more. Only the matter of time was the moment when its gonna burst. And so it did.
It exploded from large spider-formed construction above the stage. Smoke covers the stage, the light blinds it all and the curtain falls. The army is taken over by the well-known order  »you wanted the best, you got the best. The hottest band in the world. Kiss,« and after the first riffs of Psycho Circus, the commanders of the Army took place on stage. The veteran generals of the first band set, Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons, were accopmained by  Tommy Thayer and  Eric Singer, who took over the masks and places of the original space-ace Ace Frehley and catman-drummer Peter Criss. The beginning of the performance sounded „monstrous“, for the melodies of their latest album Monster, which got them on American Billboard hardrock chart and kick them on tour again, could be heard. The songs migtht not yet be well-known to the public, but the spectacular show was. In the background the enormous sign of Kiss, must-have part of concert scenes, was flashing. Letter after letter, exactly as in good old times. Gene was marching around in his demonic outfit and licking his guitar over and over again and stretching it in the way probably nobody can. The major force anyway was Starchild Paul Stanley. His hairystyle was still pretty wild, he kept the star on the eye and blood-red lipstick and he proudly showed his hairy chest while entertaining the fans. After they sang along the Italian Volare, he told couple of times how the band loves it in Italy. He split the fans into two groups, the left and the right, and dared them, to bring it on, for the show was going on with Sonic Boom`s Say Yeah. When the time for »yeah« came, he left the microphone to the loudest ones. Between too many hands desperately trying to catch one of the Stanley`s picks, the others showed him hearts made with their palms. After Stanley`s a bit vocally-less intensive Heaven`s on fire, when he didn`t forget on licking his finger while  »eat it like a piece of cake«, he intensified energy despite two hip operations. He kept dancing in his platform boots, circling around guitar and shooting the Demon with the fire coming from guitar. Simmons kept a bit more peaceful, but proved his Demon status.
After stretching his tongue, which might not be as flexible as it used to be, and less virtuose sounds from the ax-shaped guitar, resembling the motorcycle, he flew above the crowd to the body of the spider and the whole stage turned green. The fans knew it was time for God of thunder and even the blood-spilling show wasn`t left out. The gig was well prepaired, for all the four members were completing each other. Each and every one of them presented his skills to the visitors. After few-minutes-taking shouts for Tommy and then Eric, Singer prepaired solo o drums and Tommy on guitar and then they were both lifted up in the air, so the skills of the mechanic spider could also be seen. They fire was shot in the air and the major three guitar strummers lined up and moved their head in the rhytm, just as you can see in the evegreen Kiss` videos. When the stage was taken back by Stanley, he made the crowd go wild saying: „I have a feeling, like we are a family. And when I get that feeling, I have to join you.“ Those, who doubted how 61-year old is about to fly over the heads of fans in his high-heeled boots along with his guitar, proved to be wrong. He did exactly that and then he sang Love gun to them standing on the shelf between the crowd. When the Love gun was cool and he returned back on stage, the older hits took place. First measure of I was made for loving you were recognized to everybody for it was a hit, which blew them right into the top of rockstars. Small confetti started coming from the air and the night was falling on Villa Manin. Stanley couldn`t reach the higher tones of I can`t get enough, but he left the fans to do so. „You are so small and yet so loud. Tomorrow, when we are doing the show in Milan, we will really be thinking of you,“ praised them Stanley, before he changed Detroit rock city into Udine rock city. And he wasn`t wrong about them. The absolute necessary was also Rock'n'roll all nite, when Paul even smashed his guitar, but he didn`t gave the pieces away to the fans, fighting themselves to get it. But they started to figure out, the party was about to come to an end. The final solo belonged to Starchild and Black Diamond, which was the last song of over-two hours lasting spectacular gig. He even shoot the visitors with the camera, so they could wave themselves to the screen, and then the Kiss members took picture surrounded with over 10 thousand arms in the air. When the lights went down and the smallest hope to see the rockers once again was gone, God gave rock'n'roll to you started to sound around the place. Visitors kept standing in darkness and they sang the anthem so loud, as if the band was still playing. So maybe Kiss ain`t what they used to be, maybe Udine rock city is only a place in their well-prepaired merchandise map, maybe it is about old glamrockers, joined to feel the old glory again. Doesn`t matter. It all disappears in the moment, when the shouting crowd still doesn`t want to go home. In that moment from the darkness on the stage suddenly the huge sign flashes: Kiss loves you, Udine.