ponedeljek, 23. februar 2015


Young Guns

Welcome to Paradise city everybody! Here all the girls are gunners and so am I, I decided to do some exploring on what makes someone a gunner and so I put it in the few pictures. Well, it`s up to you, to decide, whether I succeed.

Why wearing a dress. Gunners have a flag for that!

You agree?

All you need is your cowboy boots, leather jacket and white shirt and your November rain might sound pretty impressive.

Must-have in Paradise city is a fucking leather cap!

Our Rose is Black Rose. I don`t actually have a tattoo on my arm, but I always keep my black rose near.

(but including fashion)

četrtek, 19. februar 2015

Meeting up with: AXL FUCKING ROSE

Axl fucking Rose   

Last time when I brough up the GNR concert, one little detail came up to my mind. And it was just after we got back on our concert bus. There was this boy, who got on the gig with his dad. He was like 7 or 8 years old and his father seemed to be close with old Guns, for he even attended their concert in 92 in Budapest with the t-shirt to prove that. Anyway, during the ride to Austria, he didn't spend too much words on the band and yet his kid wasn't too much curious either. So after the show was closed and when we came back, our guide gave us the paper for something to write on. If anyone wants to share like impressions, memories, anything. And first, this little boy gets up and asks for the paper. I was about the last who got it and when I read the whole thing through, the most common word was something to do with rose. I was surprised. Not guns, just Rose. And then I looked up the list and here it goes the like first-grade childlike handwriting written right all over the top. Just above. »Axl fucking Rose«. The boy got back with his own guns' t-shirt which was way too big for him, but he got enough material to discuss with his dad. So he kept repeating the »Axl fucking Rose« thing over and over again to himself. And everytime he said that he seemed to feel so cool about it. Well, I looked at him and wondered he must have heard that thing somewhere at the gig. Well, I guess Rose also impressed him as much as he did it to me.
Charismatic and talented without a doubt, always on his way to face death and his demons, carrying his gun all the time. That's how Rose could be put in few words. And during that time he sits by the piano and sings couple of words just to get down to his moods. And yet the moods have always been the biggest issue and yet the biggest virtue of him. Diagnosed as bipolar due to his difficult childhood and other life situations, he's always been sensitive and difficult at one time. And for that reason mostly misunderstood. Even the people, who liked Guns, sometimes couldn't face Axl and yet he was and remains, from the very beginning, let's be honest, the crucial root and the whole point of the band, holding the whole thing together. And yet some people liked their music just because for him and some right the opposite. I guess it's the same with all people of that kind. And that's why they're called artists. It's the same with Rose's music and his singing. Some of the critics even compared him like he's singing as a girl, but yet such voice ain't that difficult to resemble. Even if you are a »girl«.
I recall my very first knowledge of Axl. When I was on my way to exploring music, I was in like 7th grade or something and we used to have this annual Christmas party every year, where our school bands could get the first taste of having their own gigs. We had couple of rock, metal or something like that fans, who could not yet decide, which is their favourite branch of music and yet I could not decide, what to stand for. I remember my friend got on the stage and sang Don't cry. The accompainment was pretty lame and the guy had little difficulties with picking the right tones (he was actually more of an actor and he still remains in that area of expertise). Well, but I wa impressed anyway. I figured, that must be quite a song, that has such great melody and great, such appealing lyrics, holding so much emotions, I could not yet understand. And that was the first time I was taken away by the song.

Rose established very colorful technique, fulfilled with large pieces based on extremely high or low tones. While his screams are mainly a part of the songs, even his raspy voice sounds incredible in slow songs such as Don't cry, So fine and Since I don't have you, which is also fulfilled with his high-vocal range screams and his intense voice color. it may be the voice, but its always been about the lyrics. The Guns' texts have always stayed complex, full of metaphorically put Rose's feelings and even his deepest fears. And even the melodies didn't get so straight either. Once Rose stated, he first writes the melody and then tries to beat it with even greater text. That's probably how Estranged came to life. Always when I listen to that, I get the feeling like he's been facing his ghosts in the song and fighting them during the piece. Some songs, I could even say, are written by him for himself. To find his won cure for his issues. It might also have something to do with his knowledge and interest in music. Music did not only mean the solace for him, he has shown a great interest in music, listening all kinds of stuff, including the Wham records. And when he was asked why, he said something like get to know the music. That's also what he's shown in his very qualified covers, sometimes even better than originals themselves. 
But Rose has always been in the center of controversies, maybe for his lifestyle, looks, relations with all his women, dreams of parenthood... What might be extremely interesting is that he used to be one of those artists, who always say what they mean (even if he did not have to say it and just wear one of his very talkative t-shirts) and he was hated for that.  Well yet when all the riots, ambushes and criticisms came along and he walked on, he remained alone, most of the time out of the public eye, with no interest of him except in case of ee cards telling your botox surgery might not end up well such as it occured to Axl. He might have deserved it, for he had the feeling like he's touched the top. He might wanted that. He might wanted the Guns to split and continuing solo. But he should be acknowledged as one of a kind, the rose that grows. One of the greatest artists i
nbn the whole history. With his own vision and music. After depression, there always comes something good. And his fans, who know that will never leave him alone. 

ponedeljek, 9. februar 2015


Since we celebrated Mr Rose`s birthday, I`m going through  incredible GNR 2012 gig in Austria once again. 


Right before the show was about to close and everything seemed to be heard and seen, the complete leap occured. Axl appeared on stage to perform one another song. And yet it was not one from Chinese Democracy nor one of the greatest GNR hits showing on MTV. It seemed as it was instead his words for saying goodbye. And it was everything the fans wanted. The first riffs were way too much appealing and his voice sounded just in the way Slash described him for the first time they got to know each other. So perfectly annoying. Voice hard to fake. Late night summer night, around 5.000 people and suddenly all we need was just a little patience.

In Guns we trust!

After Axl Rose, who used to be the leading force of the Guns n' roses machine, decided to actually spend some time 'estranged', the band never got completely together again. And their decision to decline even the reunion at conduction into the Rock n' roll hall of fame surprised fans with such intensity, as the announcements about band going on tour. But yet, the same year when they turned down the hall ceremony, Seerock festival was loaded with fans of all generations, ages and nations. Axl remained, after all this GNR thing went over, either admired or misunderstood. Just the way he used to be. But one thing is for sure, for the people coming all the way to Austria, he still remains undisputed king of rock n' roll, no matter in which dimension they are about to take it. Among other bands as Sonata arctica and also The Cult, most of the visitors were GNR by religion. The 80's culture was everywhere, in complete Axl lookalikes wearing long hair and must-have bandana with a cross necklace, or there were either four -membered families, wearing snake cowboy boots and a cowboy hats. And just in the way fans were dressed up, they were expecting the same ftrom the 
band. All around the place the same well-known yellow circle and bleeding-roses-decorated pair of guns. It seemed as the new image of the old Guns didn't end up so well for even the new band t-shirts weren't selling. 

Ultimate rock show

It was 29th of June 2012 and not only the degrees were getting higher from one minute to another, but there were also questions how everything was about to occur. Axl, famous for confronting the riots and appearing late on shows seemed to be dealing vocal issues and also the band he was going on tour with was debatable. Slash's solos on guitar were, such as Axl's powerful presence on stage, vital part of the show and since their ways parted, there was a question, who could step into his shoes, took a picker and do it as good as he could. 
Despite an (expected) hour late which led to few bottles flying to stage, the rock n' roll show started with such intensity, right in the moment, with no annoying music rising the excitement and making crowd, which was already on fire, even more nervous. One moment the lights turned on and in the next the crowd was screaming, jumping singing and taking pictures of rock heroes taking the stage. The same way was with Axl. 50-year old showed up with the same class and style he was famous for. Dressed up in a t-shirt with a suit and leather jacket, jeans, few scarves, snake boots and of course lots of shining jewelry and a bandana with hat, he immediately bined the crowd to
gether. The redhead seemed to change his long hair with shorter haircut combined with short beard and moustache and his daring, talkative and most of the time deficient clothes with more elegant pieces, but yet suitable for a rock legend as himself. After grand opening with Chinese democracy, same named as last album waited for a long time, band continued in some older directions. "Welcome to the fucking jungle baby, you're gonna die," was such a welcome everybody waited the whole night for. Soon there was also the time for heartbreaking This I love, Street of dreams from latest album and some older You could be mine, Live and let die accompained with "live and let die motherfucker" in the beggining and legendary Rocket queen of course. Axl didn't forget his moves. He's been pushing the mic stand all over the place, leaning himself from one leg to another and throwing his mic from left hand to right. During "and you're a rocket queen" different pictures of girls, with image much like the girls appearing in the Guns' videos, were showed on the screen in the back of the stage and Axl showed how real rocket queen was supposed to look like. With his hand he drew women's curves in the air and the crowd just loved it. There was also the time for Civil war where Axl powerfully whistled the first notes with no single mistake. When Estranged took place he even proved he can still run from one side of the stage to another without losing his breath. Chords everyone still knew were played by DJ Ashba, who seemed to be in the right place at the right time. Even his image resembled Slash but even more, his father-to son relation with Rose almost satisfied fans, who were still missing the relations between Redhead and Half man half beast. After Rose took some break, every member of the band had the opportunity to introduce himself to the visitor. It didn`t take long before one could figure out  Ashba was sure the right decision, for also his amazing guitar skills could certainly be compared to Slash. Loyal member Dizzy Reed conquered keyboards just as on all the concerts, but he was later accompained with Axl, who could even run his own piano show without singing a single note. In his own style, he played all over without stopping. After he sang and played Pink Floyd's Another brick in the wall, the time for one of the greatest hits in the history of rock came. November rain. There was some rain in the afternoon before the show, but during the show, the only thing falling down were some tears in the eyes of excited fans. Not long after that one, another masterpiece was played. Axl sang Don't cry dressed up in white. 

Welcome to Paradise city

Some higher notes, which used to be Rose's speciality, combined with his raspy colour of voice, he established, didn't come to such extension as before. Due to his huge vocal range, he could still sing the higher tones, but the rock n' roll lifestyle, long career and his un-friendly to vocal cords singing technique did its way. The results are shown with less intensified vocals, but Rose combined them with energetic moves and shorter glissa
ndos. The speciality of the performance were also the visuals and the pyrotechnics. In the beginning of the stage the fire was coming out and burned up in the air at the singgle beat. For the gig to be fulfilled, the huge closing was needed. And so it also turned out to be. Huge and different. After guys went off the stage, they came back with some more guns to shoot  and some more fire to burn. When everybody thought this was it and the night couldn't get a better climax, Axl started singing  another melody. Faster and older. Sweet child o' mine was necessary of the repertoar and when Axl welcomed everybody in the Paradise city the atmosphere was about to explode. In the middle of confetti flowing through the air suddenly he decided to throw his mic up in the crowd and the same he did with whistle he used for intro. Soon everybody joined him and so they waved themselves into few minutes long Paradise city later accompained with Axl's goodbye. "We love you, we hope to see you soon," said Axl. He once said the guns is for they fought and the rose for their victory, when they asked for the hint about the band's name. Axl could put down his guns now. It's time for him to get only the flowers.

sreda, 4. februar 2015

MusiKid: Unholy land

Unholy land

Hi everyone. Well the time goes by so fast so I sometimes forget about the things that happened for I am too busy with the things that are about to. I wrote this song very long time ago and it appeared to me alongg with chords so it didn`t take long and I got it.

Everyone, I give you Unholy land.

When you walked down the street
g      D
You didn't recognize me
D    G   A
Guess I turned my head away
D    A   G
So many emtpy hands pointing at 
my face
G    A    D
Guess I just want my song to sing

Well my life`s rollercoaster
It`s taking me all kinds of ways
With a ticket I just got for free
And just when I think I figure my line out
It takes me down so I forget to breathe

G    A   
I hope you'll hold my hand when I 
come up there
G   A
And I hope we'll meet when I'm 
coming there
And I hope my time is coming, oh 
when I'm coming there
G          A
And I hope we'll meet, when I'm 
coming there

And I've been spending my time 
Looking for myself
And proving I can do it all alone
You know I'm still trying every day to make you proud
I hope you won't hear me wine in my bed

I'll never let you go
In my heart you've made yourself at home
But I'm glad you broke your glass and let go the girls
I've never had a hand and I'll never have a man
But your blue guys helped wave me to sleep


I've left the sweets
To wake me everyday
I've let the bottles to get me to sleep
I'm walking everyday
Me unholy land
This is all I get to live
