ponedeljek, 21. september 2015

Kid`s Live!: SUMMER TOUR


Howdy everybody!

Since I`ve been away for some time, I got you some evidence how I spent my summer time. And the proof it was successful! Let`s see what`s been going on through summer. Rock and roll and many more!

Happy 4th of July! Hope you had a ball!

There´s been another holiday goin´ on 26th of July. World´s greatest licker and harder stone turned 72. Old, but gold, happy birthday Sir Mick! 

Another birthday boys, Brian May celebrated on 13th July, Roger Taylor blew his candles same time as Mick, on July 26th.

This is what I call Hard Rock Cafe!  
Have your special sneak 
peek underneath the wonderful front of Tenerife Cafe!

What we got here is original lyrics of Sting`s song All this time. 

What`s been goin` on:

Remembering MARC BOLAN

30 September 1947 - 16 September 1977

September`s JACK`s birthday! 

Raise your bottles for the old guy.

Pete Shelley holding up a poster
for the Sex Pistols' much-fabled second gig
at the Lesser Free Trade Hall, JULY 1978.

Who you gonna rock?
I spent some time on rock n`roll and American car meeting Piston Riot in Ljubljana, September 2015


This is one of my favourite Bruce Springsteen songs and some real anti age treasure. 

Let`s hear it again,

ponedeljek, 14. september 2015


Roads the man walked down

Folk used to be one of the country and other US ethnic hillbilly genres in the sixties. Well it could even remain there, if somewhat whimsical and arrogant guy called Robert Zimmerman suddenly appeared in New York, and after some time, the world started known him by the name Bob Dylan. As the years went by, the streets of Greenwich Village sounded same as his politically engaged Freewheelin ', and he got crowds of fans and followers. But as Dylan said the last word with acoustic folk, he enjoyed electric guitar tunes. Fans were surprised even as Dylan continued with love ballads and country. But even the remarks on his behalf and getting the raspberries failed to end the route, he was heading. His songs are still loud enough, his voice sharp enough, and his tour is never ending.

Dylan has stopped in Slovenia since for the fourth time since 1991. Over four thousand people joined together in Arena Stožice in Ljubljana. And as special the day was, it was also clear, this event is a different kind, when the stage was in complete darkness and the people sat in front of the hall. Visitors who are otherwise fighting for the first row at any cost, this time preferred to sit along and eat popcorn this time. Alright, the concert was not sold out, but just looking at the long-haired elder visitors, middle-aged couples and girls in black dresses with wreaths in their hair, were reminiscent of scenes of American folkies sitting in parks. Only now they were not singing We Shall overcome, but spent their time wondering whether Dylan may not get tired to prepare always new surprises. Finally, his logo disappeared and after a strike on the gong small man with a huge white hat took slow steps on the stage. As he found his place in front of one of the four microphones, he slightly started humming Things Have Changed. In the moment when the crowd began to shout his name and started prepairing their cameras, Dylan did not respond at all. But his guards did. Filming or photography was strictly prohibited. Yet a number of times due to flash use, security guards pull their flashlights into the open. They did not succeed, only the visitors in the first rows were blinded by the light most of time. Dylan's lighting, was the complete opposite and more reminiscent of a theater performance. The venue was surrounded by curtains, the stage used to be filled with soft light due to the small wall lights, but otherwise equipment, which included microphones, guitars, drums and piano was nothing similar to what large stage spectacle names similar size and mileage, as Dylan usually use. It was more intimate, more club-like. The only decoration on the stage was a small bust. Five-member accompanying band sat on bar stools, but Dylan spent most of the time standing in the middle of the stage in front of his microphones and reciting his poems. With every minute, it was quieter in the hall and the concert became increasingly emotional yet without sleazy flirtation with the audience. Moreover, Dylan's unclear pronunciation, broken rhythm and changed forms of the songs caused confusion amongst visitors and so only half of them realized big hits actually, such as Tangled Up in Blue. It seemed as if Dylan devoted to walk down his entire musical career once again and with each step he was more away from initial folk with whom, he grappled to its beginnings. Here and there he took time for harmonica and proved he still sounds enough melodic and melancholic, as in the past. When he performed She Belongs to Me he even sat by the piano. No one was surprised at electric guitar on stage this time, but Dylan did success by selecting songs. After the sad and unrelated verses of Sinatra´s Fool to want you and As leaves fall down, it was clear that he did not only take part in his own musical path, but he summed up almost the entire American music history.When he bared his soul and took some rest backstage, he returned with new image. And so did his songs. With High Water and Simple Twist of Fate he took a bigger step to the very American way of country and did not miss out even blues heritage. He sat by piano once again and hit the floor in Forgetful heart rhytm.  Montand´s Autumn Leaves was a proof of Dylan´s ballads, appearing strong and somewhat crude, but can apply nostalgic tunes with note of romance. Spirit in the Water, intertwined Dylan´s virtuoso variations on piano and guitar parts, later turned into Scarlet Rown, then Soon After Midnight, followed by Long and Waisted Years, which changed the whole atmosphere in way more relaxed. But seniors could expect that 74-year old ex-folkie would not depart untill pulling the rabbit out of the hat. Those, who barely followed the program, full of not exactly greatest hits, were bored. Still others were confused. Meanwhile Dylan made an end to the dilemmas, he at the same time met all of them. With well-known lyrics and completely opposite form of original version of the song, Blowin´ in the wind made some even more kindled, well the others broke the code only after the second stanza. The grand finale was accompained with Love Sick, when the lights went out and the great Dylan walked off stage without a word. 

ponedeljek, 7. september 2015

Kid´s Chronicle: BLOWIN´ IN THE WIND

Blowin´ in the wind

We might think we know a great deal about folk as a way of music, but here´s the deal. It would probably remain under the domain of some kind of hillbilly southern American music, which used to be a bad reference. Well, not too long untill the revival tune staretd to sound in the streets of the Greenwich Village near NY University. Anyways, thanks to the jewish angry or just melancholic lookin´ like Robert Zimmerman  a.k.a. Bob Dylan.
Considered as the most influental persona of folk movement, he turned the folk under the spotlight with his voice and lyrics and few years later he buried it for good with same. When you think of folk, you think of Dylan.

GRANDPA                                                                                          Guthrie

You might didn´t know, but a guy called Woody Guthrie used to be the
first person starting the whole idea of            
folk as a simple music with political ideas.        



Folkies used to be the opposite of the great deal of people, who were listening to the sound coming from electric guitars and all sorts related to the rock n´ roll culture, which seemed to rule the world in the 70s. Dressed in black, sitting around, singing Joan Baez song We shall overcome, they played acoustic instruments and raised ther voices in political manners.
As NYC due to economic crisis was one of the coldest and decadent cities, facing trash, prostitutes and migrations everyday, on the other hand, it soon became popular for artists, students and other bohemians, trying to express themselves. Folk, which used to be national music of the America became sinonym for raw, simple sound and politicaly orientated lyrics including civil rights and war.

                                                                                           It was folk, which brought people together and made the path for even more liberal and peace orientated movement – hippies.

Going folkie? Check the heritage of the timeless artists. Here is my top five selection,  just to get the picture:
Peter, Paul and Mary: Where have all the flowers gone (Did you know Peter, Paul and Mary reached their popularity due to performing Dylan songs and Blowin´ in the wind became famous because of their cover?)
The Carter Family: Can the circle be unbroken
Coal Black Rose
Man of Constant Sorrow
House of the rising sun
(You might know this one from British The Animals, but it was originally folk song)

I`ve tried some folkie kit too: