ponedeljek, 20. april 2015


Still undisputed King of the Underground  


He set the rock n` roll trends back in the 80`s, when he filled the scene with one hit after another and left nobody equanimous. A rocker in his late fifties, holding also some punk in his blood, decided to prove he ain`t one of those names, who were huge only under the rule of rock. Billy Idol got down to it, for he didn`t only finish his autobiography Dancing with myself, but also started touring in Europe, North America and Australia, where he is about to present something fresh, his album  Kings & Queens of the Underground.
After almost ten years blonde-haired Brit decided to show his music once again, while he spent those years forgotten, somewhere in the background. Without a cause at all. His music could always be described as something more than rock and not only punk. Idol liked combining different music genres and styles and which could even cost him his career. After Cyberpunk, 1993 album, which was badly approved by the public, he started fading away, but in the final moment got himself in back together and back on track. He returned in 2005, but even Devil`s playground didnt work according to expectations.
When he thought he`d give it all away and probably turned down finding some new melodies, the time has come to meet the  Kings & Queens of the Underground. Even the darkened title is a promise for a good deal of some „Billy“ style, but yet it might sometimes stay under the surface. The album might be some kind of a mixture of everything, we`re yet used to at Billy and might recognize it in some newer image. Good ol` Rebel yell is now Postcards from the past, which joins great rhytm and guitar intro, creating good vibes in the beggining and attention grabbing chorus. Even talkative Whiskey and the pills seems to be pretty energetic, besides guitar accompainment, which were carefully driven by Idol`s longtime associate and also one of the guitar heroes of the rock era Steve Stevens, the lyrics seem to be huge bonus of this piece.
Billy also took care of fans of his milder side. Ghosts in my guitar (nobody knows, if there were really any ghosts in that guitar, but nevermind, it sounds pretty cool with or without them) is a deja-vu of Eyes without a face, Idol˙s vocal gets in some point so pure and clear, it`s hardly recognizable. But no worries, Billy sticks to his raspy vocal colour as much as he`s dedicated to his blonde hair colour. There he goes in Eyes wide shut, another calmer balad, where intense guitar accompainment and Billy`s vibrato makes it so enchanted.
Kings & Queens of the Underground, the song which named the whole album, seemed to go through some facts on Idol`s life and for its vocal lines it might even sound a bit like opera. Well, it doesn`t take too long before the lyrics prove you`re wrong. But yet the flute might be too much for the old rocker.  Nothing to fear, Love and glory and Save me now, in which rhytm might sound more like dance and the whole arrangement sounds too modern despite the loud guitars. Even the electric change of the voice might be to blame in Nothing to fear. It might even make you feel like you`re listening to one of those DJ compilations. Well, thank you Billy for the Can`t break me down and Bitter Pill, which changes the taste in our mouths and gets everybody a good taste of old punkrock masterpieces from the past decades. Growing rhytm followed by climax in the catchy chorus is great, but the best part seems to be „it`s just my natural reaction“.  His vocal is well placed in this one and it sure is a proof Billy is the one you just ca`t be down. Even down there he still is the King of the Underground.
This year might be pretty royal for blonde punkrocker. Album promises many different things, what`s a fact about Billy and what might be his bad side, for sometimes he wants to sound in the way what`s currently „charts-popular“ way to much. It might be the beginning of some new branch of punk rock, because the album took high places on Billboard charts, and yet received different reviews. For what it might be referred to rock or punk or whatever and if we add it was made by two old rock n` roll legends, the whole thing might be a little low on the guitar solos and other sweet things the six strings offers. There`s only a question why, for Stevens stretches his fingers on the gigs pretty well.
British Fall Out Boy seemed to be on the back pages too many times in the late music history. Despite his influences on many performers and as a matter of fact, he was also a fashion icon, he spent his time searching for some modern tones in his music. So, those, who want to repeat some older hits once again, should probably join Billy on his gig, but others, ready to taste something new, should sooner or later open their minds to the King of the Underground.

ponedeljek, 13. april 2015


A Rebel with his yell 

It only took couple of riffs to guess which song is about to take part of the show. Strings were just about to burn and so it was the stage. The heat almost reached the top, hands were right up in the air and the only thing missing was the blonde rebel take of his shirt. He made his yell sound even more rebelious. The view was almost the same as decades before, when the yell first came to sound. Only this time, red leather vest was missing.
Billy Idol is still blonde, still knows how to dance with himself, only he`s in late fifties now and yet this time there were many people dancing along. One of the first crusaders, who started to form the path of punk in Great Britain, used to be huge rock n` roll icon back in the 80s and yet he still knows how to do it. After he filled the place up few years ago, he decided to do it again. Only this time it sounded more idolized. Why? Well, you might wanna go and ask Steve Stevens. Who? Yeah, same Stevens, who was probably guilty for Idol`s songs to reach sound we still got in our ears and yet the same Stevens, who still makes you believe, the guy was probably born with picker in his hands or at least something like that. The show was noisy, punk and rocking again.
British Fall Out Boy started to rock the 25th of June 2014 with some tones from the underground. He opened the show with few songs from  Kings & Queens of the Underground, which was about to come to reality later that year. All covered in the black leather, just as rocker like himself should be, he took over the mic and also the crowd. Hot in the city could probably now be reffered to Hot in the Tivoli hall. After few big hits, such as Dancing with myself, White wedding and Mony Mony which left visitors still some 80`s taste in their mouths, there was time for Billy to show his guitar skills. With Stevens covering his back in guitar accompainment, he proved he could still made Sweet 16 sound convincingly emotional. Same as Eyes without a face, where he put aside his raspy tones and softly but with depth sang lower tones and then slided to upper ones with lightness and yet sensibilty. After all, that sounds pretty much like ol` Billy, who`s just a fan of combining different things to find the right sound. Surprise was also Stevens. After King of underground`s departure from the stage, Stevens took care of the crowd and continued with the idolization.
He showed everything he`s got, playing over his head, behind his back and so fast one could hardly follow. From slowly wandering through some evergreen guitar riffs, such as Led Zeppelin`s Stairway to heaven, to going on and on, faster and faster, he showed, he`s really cruciable part of the rebellious night, which tastes as some old rock n` roll. When Billy changed and got back on the stage, the party went on.
It didn`t take long, before the atmosphere was the same as before. And it got even crazier when the time for the most famous yell came. Though the first rows under the stage were taken by fans, who grew with Idol`s music, it didn`t seem as the time passed by at all. They were pointing their hands up in the air, just as you`d find yourself in the middle of the Rebel yell video. When Billy took his shirt off and showed he also got almost no trace on his well-shaped body, they were as one. When Billy stretched his face muscles and got his vocal screams back, they were jumping and screaming, trying to reach him on the stage. Well he stepped on the stair above the floor and started doing well-familiar move with his fist in the rhytm. Everybody continued.
„Me... I`m a Billy fucking Idol,“ he ishouted after he introduced his band to the visitors. After Billy`s danced with himself in his autobiography and opened his heart in  underground, we could guess, what`s coming next. Well, he`s sure not finished all the chapters. At least one more is about to come. That`s how he promised: „See you next year!“